
A collection of my clear and prescient thoughts.

It is not so much they want to deny the border and other issues. It is that they want military permission to murder you for bringing it up.

10 November 2022

Everywhere you step on earth is a floating rock which levitates you.

19 October 2022

Our world is still filled with people who have not had their minds crushed.

4 October 2022

Expanding consciousness is a crime in an empire of normies.

15 August 2022

In the old days men rode up on horses with pistols and swords and took their money back from the thieves; these days the thieves hide half a world away without fear while they sleep.

1 August 2022

Jesus Christ had twelve followers and Satan had the rest of them.

30 July 2022

They want what they deserve.

30 July 2022

A dream which shook me free from my core set my love on fire and my free on love.

10 May 2022

I stand atop the world and see crystalline facets of broken origin shattering the walls of their feet or neatly rearranging the conquest of deceit in old ties with reigns whose reign reigned the rain of the unsoaked and already slain.

10 May 2022

Arm the people and disarm the government.

3 April 2022

To stop a great force one must become the greater force.

4 February 2022

If Free Speech is scary then Free Speech means the right to say and write scary things.

19 January 2022

Free Speech means Journalism is the Truth.

19 January 2022

The best thing about life is it’s eternal.

8 January 2022

I will be a buoy!

5 January 2022

They want us to be tricked into the idea that faith is not reality when faith is the substance of reality.

5 January 2022

Imagination is the only real estate where the admission is free and the stay is forever.

5 January 2022

It will be a revolution when all political party members are running from the people.

4 January 2022

If the American people will not calculate victory as George Washington had to then they get the government they deserve. If you believe victory is providence without calculation then you are prepared to destroy the hand that feeds you as all providence you declared to have achieved is lost forever.

3 January 2022

Calculation is self-governance.

1 January 2022

Humanity is the great race.

1 January 2022

They believe they can click our rights away.

1 January 2022

They say, “Look what we built! Look what we built!” until every last drop of money is stolen from the people.

26 December 2021

Our awakening is designed to drive them mad or sane.

26 December 2021

They all want ten minutes of fame being the most evil.

26 December 2021

If we do not tell them now then they will tell us how later.

25 December 2021

Imagination is fire.

25 December 2021

They need to be reminded what the fire of Invictus feels like when it burns in them.

25 December 2021

No presents this year.

25 December 2021

The fire seems to have a mind of it’s own.

23 December 2021

This is not modern times; this is modern chains.

26 October 2021

Loyalty for us and subterfuge for them.

29 September 2021

They who wear sheep’s clothing and denounce end the fed are our mortal enemies.

29 September 2021

The future is bright and lovely.

16 September 2021

Uncertainty is not leverage.

9 September 2021

The Human mind is not the stepping stone for what the computer can do; the computer is the stepping stone for what the Human mind can do.

20 August 2021

Life is constantly being born on this planet.

18 August 2021

The wealthy spend their time hiding their wealth like squirrels hiding nuts. Time flattens them because they can’t be bothered with looking before they cross the great divide.

29 July 2021

People pay for what their heart cannot see.

3 June 2021

Defending skin color is dumb unless perceived popularity or relevance is more important to the individual than the praxic articulation of truth in society and it’s ressurection of antiquity as it lay bear the war of ideas empirically starts and finish with liberty versus tyranny.

27 May 2021

Life is delicate.
Love is forever.

22 December 2020

Love is nuts in an empire of hate.

2 December 2020

The best thing about love is it cannot burn out.

24 July 2020

Words hold different points of view than you do.

23 July 2020

America itself is the new speakeasy and that should mortify Americans.

22 July 2020