June 30, 2022 · Government

Even My Local Government Is Retarded: Burn Ban Because It Was 115'F This Summer. Now -1'F, 10" Of Snow On Ground, I Called This Morning And: "Waiting

The only thing our government understands is to gaslight us with open lies

We are the intelligent beings who see thru their horse shit

How retarded can our government get? This will be the last safest day all year to burn. “That’s the rules.” Fuck you idiots I cannot wait to vote you all out. Our Founding Fathers conquered assholes like you so we could live in a free nation without tiny-dick bureaucrats decreeing to us like a retarded God what we can and cannot do on our property; yes, we have free rights, free from bureaucracy and distortions and manipulations and certainly rights which remain free from having to purchase; yes, rights which were always and originally our Constitutional rights in the first place. Fucking idiots! Fuck you! And your mail-in ballots! And your $12M/year amongst 20 of you who cannot even keep the potholes filled. Corrupt fuck heads! Fuck you!